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Our Story

Fossagrim: a nature-tech company

Fossagrim was founded in 2021 by a group of experienced energy, oil-service and IT professionals who are proud to be part of the green-shifting of competence, â€‹and share the conviction that preservering more forests is valuable for forest owners, businesses, society and the planet. 


Our vision is to enable sustainable business in harmony with nature. In fighting the climate and nature crises, forests are under-utilised and under-valued as carbon sinks, and as a society we need to mobilise your local boreal forests' natural capacities as highly productive "CCS factories", with the very valuable co-benefit of being positive for biodiversity. We in the Fossagrim team are all dedicated to help make that happen.  

We present forest owners a commercially attractive alternative to harvesting, businesses a means to mitigate their impact on climate and nature, and more of todays forests the chance to live their natural, slow lives. Our scientific approach, modelling of carbon pools, and methodology is supported and validated by a Science Advisory Board represented by esteemed researchers from NINA, CICERO and the University of Umeå. 


We are developing a portfolio of 30-year-preservation forest projects, initially in Norway, and match the climate benefits with the business needs for footprint compensation by clients in Norway and abroad. This way Fossagrim's project forest owners and business clients work together to preserve local forests, sequester CO2 and preserve biodiversity.


Our name

Our name is inspired by the Scandinavian folklore water spirit living in rivers and waterfalls, offering to teach aspiring fiddlers to play the tune of the forest, wind and water - in exchange for the right offering. We believe we have a lot to learn to play in harmony with nature and discover how valuable forests can be, for businesses, land-owners and society as a whole - if we make the right offering.


- What you make from a tree should be at least as miraculous as what you cut down

Richard Powers, The Overstory

What we offer


Scientific Approach

Scientific understanding of carbon processes in forest ecosystems is subject to public debate. We take a knowledge-based approach and, with the support of our science advisory board, utilise established and recognised models and apply methodologies that are supported by solid scientific documentation. We also frequently advise with multiple esteemed research institutes, universities, NGO's and interest groups.


Credible climate solution

We enable businesses to safely mitigate their residual carbon and biodiversity footprints with an immediate impact. In Fossagrim's project forests, the forest preservation commences the moment the contract becomes effective, which is when the funding is secured, and the carbon and biodiversity benefits commences a few months later when the forests would otherwise have been harvested. Securing additionality is fundamental, which means that the climate and biodiversity benefits would not have occurred in the absence of the projects.



Our initial offering compensates the forest owner to delay the harvesting by 30 years or more, through discounted ton-year compensation funded by Fossagrim's business clients. The forest owner will be compensated yearly, more in the beginning when the climate effect is higher, and then gradually less towards the end of the contract period, after which the forest owner is free to resume harvesting - or enter into another commercially attractive Fossagrim preservation contract.



Our Team

Fossagrim was foundedby a group of experienced energy, oil-service and IT professionals who are proud to be part of the green-shifting of competence, â€‹and share the conviction that preservering more forests is valuable for forest owners, businesses, society and the planet.

Our Science Advisory Board

Fossagrim has established a Science advisory Board represented by esteemed researchers who are experts within their field. They support our scientific approach, and validates our methodology and modelling of carbon pools in our project forests. 

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Fossagrim AS 927 173 026



+47 21 01 15 80

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Nedre Slottsgate 5

0157 Oslo


©2022 by Fossagrim AS

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